E3: Preparing for WODs Technical Essay

17 Feb 2024

The last WOD that we did in this class, was Invoice1, which had us utilizing expressions/variables in JavaScript, so we could display an invoice, with tables and amounts through using document.write, var, let, and so forth to complete this WOD. This WOD was challenging for me, primarily because of how I extensively wrote my Java Script elements, directly within HTML instead of making a “.js” to store the script I needed for this assignment. On my first attempt, I made multiple errors with my script tags and the elements within them, with my first attempt getting a DNF time and I was not able to figure out my problems. I then watched Professor Ports’ video, in which he extensively writes his Java Script directly into the “.html” and then I tried again, and was able to finish but got DNF time again and also my computer was not picking up the audio from my microphone as well. On my final attempt, I was able to get RX time but finished at almost 20 minutes so I gave myself AV to be safe, this time I did it necessarily the same as Professor Port did in his video but made a few adjustments such as using “let” instead of “Var” for many of my commands. Overall the WOD went well, but could have been executed much smoother and easier if I made a separate “.js” and linked it to my “.html”. I think I prepared okay, for this WOD, having done the reading and watched the screencast, but I should have not gone with the solution Professor Port had made, and have gone with my original idea of making the .html and javascript separate, it was ultimately just not the right fit for me and caused a lot of small errors on my end that had time-consuming repercussions. For the next WOD, I will most likely just analyze the problem and try my best to keep my code organized and separate my Java script from my “.html”. For the next WOD I will analyze the problem first and decide whether I should make a separate “.js”, also to prepare I will do much more “RTFM” as Professor Port says all the time, for the next WOD.

Link to Invoice1 WOD Page: https://dport96.github.io/ITM352/morea/060.expressions-operators/experience-invoice1.html